Thursday, February 19, 2015

From chaos to sanity

My mind wonders from the depths of chaos to the edge of sanity.
I can do nothing but hope that the journey helps me develop myself further as a whole.
The many pieces that make up the mosaic that is Martha is a jumbles mess of the happy, sad, mad, glad, terribly, horrifically, wonderful mayhem that is I.


kyle "the Major" said...

The art of life grows step by step

Unknown said...

That jumbled mess of you is a puzzle with all the pieces, with more and more being added all the time and no boundary in sight. We can choose to re-grow some of those organic puzzle pieces, throw some out and culture new ones as we wish, or merely cultivate those patches of pieces we love the most to grow into even bigger and more colorful pieces latched together into a patch.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

This is some truly beautiful writing...

Colorado Marie said...

Thank you Optomistic Existentialist, I felt very strong about my feelings towards this piece.

Cat. I am a kitty cat! ♫

You just sang "and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance"♫♪ Now that we have the formality of me making a random joke ...