Friday, May 27, 2011

The life of a stoner XC mountain biker.

So I am really into mountain biking this year. Like I am even trying to change my work out and work schedules to do better; However I am also getting back into smoking a lot of weed. I make myself wake up in the morning and work out (lifting wights to strengthen my arms, core, shoulders and back to improve performance for races.) Then eat a somewhat healthy and small meal, and jump on the bike for training. (Distance, time, and bike varies depending on what I am doing and if I am working on one of the bikes.) By the time I am done I have usually about an hour before work, go to work , then get home and smoke my brains out. I know that it is hurting my times, however I love it so much that I don't care. The thing that I find funny is that even thou I smoke like a chimney I am still making great times. The first race of the year I DNF'ed (I was 7 lbs heaver, riding only to and from work, and eating WAY more). The second race of the year I took 2nd in my age group and 6th over all, and I smoked more for the second race then the first. I know that to be a great biker I will have to kick the habit, but for right now I am winning and smoking and loving every minuet of it.

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Cat. I am a kitty cat! ♫

You just sang "and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance"♫♪ Now that we have the formality of me making a random joke ...