Saturday, February 19, 2011

My liver hurts...

Today is a day for blogging. Or so I am thinking?!?! At any rate. I feel really bad cause I have this blogging account and really never use it. So here I am using it. Some updates for my "readers..." I just somewhat finished building my dream bike. She is a Specialized Epic Pro. My colors for her right now are pink and white. However I feel like blue could find its way in as well. Topic change. I have been really getting into ebay in the past few days. It is strangely addicting, seeing how much money people are willing to throw at your crap, but in all fairness I throw my money at peoples crap too. So I cant totally judge them, but instead thank them for paying for my weed/porn/bike part addiction. 'Wow, all three components of Marty in one post... If feel like I am off to a good start. Topic change. Last night at work I had a elderly one eyed lady at one of the tables I was waiting. She was sitting with a younger (but still older than death) lady. They ordered the same thing, and ate slow. What I am getting at is that the one eyed lady was totally happy, and enjoyed my frequent drop in's, and the other lady ended up freaking out on me and telling me that I am her biggest pet peeve. I stood there in shock, with my fake smile quickly fading from my face, in aw that this lady could be so mad that I was doing my job and checking on them and giving them water, and the older one eyed lady was still as happy as when she came in. That younger but still very old bitch really needs to reevaluate what makes her mad in life. 'I though about stabbing out one of her eyes and saying "NOW YOU HAVE A REASON TO BE MAD AT ME!" how ever I didn't.' She left me a $1.50 tip and her one eyed friend left me $5.00... I knew I liked pirates. Topic change. I am out of thing to say.... Damn ADD!!!

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Cat. I am a kitty cat! ♫

You just sang "and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance"♫♪ Now that we have the formality of me making a random joke ...