Monday, February 23, 2015

What's this thought formed in the shape of a questionable idea? Tis Curiosity.

The purest form of query is that developed by one who is not restrained by the forces of the outside world, cult mass, known as society. Yet instead, intrigued by forcing the limits of comfortable living and charging with great force that which society calls order. They are not afraid to unveil the treasures within the mangled mess of confusion that is ones true self, rather than idle by like a stoic imbecile. Their purpose is not, for they are not that vain, but yet instead because society has devolved past courteousness, is seen as insane. One man's trash, is this man says, the ever popular populous of presumptuous pinheads. The only time civilization will give you, is the ever uncivil Time Of Death. You speak too loud, you act too proud and you'll never be better than the we that is society.
I would Live in the shadows, but I am afraid of the dark.


Unknown said...

Pursuit over and beyond the cusp of the ordinary and toward greatness....

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In essence, everything is just theory. From the time of the first cognitive thought, until the present, everything has been questioned in such a way that a clear cut answer need be provided. To have an answer so defined, I believe, takes away the wonder and excitement of not knowing. In order to find the meaning in everything that surrounds us, it is best to not search with a predetermined query.

Cat. I am a kitty cat! ♫

You just sang "and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance"♫♪ Now that we have the formality of me making a random joke ...