Thursday, February 26, 2015

Drugs VS Hugs

This very morning I was pulled over and clearly stoned. When the officer asked me if I was intoxicated I replied " I choose drugs over hugs, because hugs lead to sex and sex leads to aids and aids is for life and drugs only last a few hours." The officer looked stunned and proceeded to gave me a verbal warning to not get cought again, because most of the force would not appreciate my attempt at educated humor and I would end up in jail for acting smart, being smart and doing drugs.

Non of this is true it's just funny. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Unless your Magic Johnson. Then hugs lead to sex, sex leads to AIDS and AIDS leads to taking drugs for life because AIDS.

Cat. I am a kitty cat! ♫

You just sang "and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance"♫♪ Now that we have the formality of me making a random joke ...