Monday, January 26, 2015

Oh for the PUN of it.....

I have always fancyed myself funny. Not to other people mind you but to myself.

WAIT WAIT WAIT..... I have not been on here for 3 years and I just start blogging like its 1999(Prince). If you don't get the reference your not old enough for my blog so OUT with you.
A LOT has happened and I have SHOULD fill you my three fallowers and the other random people who stumble appon my blog in on all the shit and boy is there alot that has happend. I wont go into too great of detail but I will hit on the big topics.

First, things that have not changed. Still really bad at spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage and such. Still really sexual, vaulger, ever extending my vocabulary and love my dog to death(mind you she is not dead. How ever I do know what I will do when she does die.), I am still pretty sexy... not as bike addicted but still have the pasion just need to get on the damn thing. Totally still a pot head and chesty and sing a lot. So that stuff still the same.

DIFFERENT STUFF. Grab your snuggy, a beer and some popcorn this will take some reading. or you will just skim it.... either way.
My 'lover' that I mentioned in so many of my posts is no longer. Still my best friend, yet we broke up in a WAY bad way and he has cancer and we are not getting along as humans but we still love one another. After all 14 years of being best friends and getting each others names as tattoos is a pretty serious nexus. We were almost civil about the break up. I will say that the things I feel he did that he did out of anger, will most likely help me or teach me some sort of life lesson in the long run of life. After all he is twenty years my senior he should know a bit more about life than me. Just to clarify he looks like he is my age. Super fucking sexy and fucks like a GOD!

Moving on

Now, when I was first typing this I was dating an individual named Nick who I call Zack for no reason other than I can. We met online, with(here's the marty/ M Night Shamalo twist) me as a lesbian. We fell super head over heals(because we were not upside down) for one another. He is super secsesful when it co esk to guys I am interested in, along with my age....YEAH, very handsome and completly the opposite of myself. As far as, decent childhood, not an addict, book smart, good at being in public, bad at expressing how he feels, mature to a fault, reserved, consideritly conservative, small town bread, and quite. Yet we are both very stubern, always right, controlling, and cocky. WELL, I messed up yet another relationship as of last Friday when I dumped him to fix my own selfish mistakes that had the potential to harm others.

So now I am moving back in with my ex lover... Prolly a dumb idea if I correctly remember how a il he was to make me feel worthless, small and worthless, yet that's currently ,my price for 'happiness'. Further more I have accumulated three cats, two of witch I need to regime for my first cat,George's sanity, and as far as my dog goes I was forced to re home her for her health mentally and my convenience.... Very disappointed in myself for that.

I am currently a yea fish away from graduating with a marketing degree, and I still love cooking as much as sex, however I have been so depressed I have had no Umff to cook in the kitchen at work witch is a little upsetting and mind soaring. After all cooking is my outlet and I have not been properly 'venting' my feelings, so I am bound to explode or something.

I think your cought up. So now to avoid homework.

No comments:

Cat. I am a kitty cat! ♫

You just sang "and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance"♫♪ Now that we have the formality of me making a random joke ...