There above is a link to see what the burning man is and our song. TWO IN ONE! That is a steal and if you order right now you can get a second one absolutely free. . . sorry its... well...its me, and if you don't like my lack of intelligence in my very moist humor, then why are you still reading this? Yeah now your the ass here... ANY WAY!
Now that I have the best part out I can start working on filling you in on the blanks... Well I hit rock bottom and went drug ass crazy and was on WAY more then the happy green shit they give out in the California air port (For those of you who don't get my joke. I am talking about pot). Then I started getting mean and stopped caring for everyone. However, there are some some random positives; I have started biking more for the hell of it. But yeah, and I picked up tennis. Like I love freaking tennis. Well back to rock bottom... well I don't know what triggered it, but it was starting when I last blogged, and is finally letting up.
Other new stuff you should know. I got a second job, working at a porn shop 20 miles out of town and am really enjoying it. I got really sick and went to the hospital and found out that due to exsesive stress and smoking I had some very painful ovarian cysts. Oh and I thought I was going to leave My sweet man, because I was in a very bad place. Also and we bought a $150 Lego car. I posted a picture somewhere on this. Everything now is much better. We are communicating, and I am getting all my energy out so I don't have energy to be mean. . . This is a really boring blog entry.... sorry guys. I guess it sounded cooler in my head... Lame. Well I will blog again soon and as always if you took the time to read my thoughts I love you, and you must be clinically insane.
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