Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Book of your face? oR face of your book?

Facebook the new Myspace, but not quite cause you can't have your own little list of music that expresses your feelings, and you can't put up explicit pictures of ladies right there on your profile page. Back to the point, both Facebook and Myspace are great tools to connect with friends, family, fellow workers, and pedophiles. What I mean by that is you can add people as friends on and get update statuses about them, find out personal info, and see pics, and vids of theirs or that they added because it pertains to them in some way. The only problem with this peaceful system of things is that you can make new "Friends" that my not be so friendly. If one does not learn the correct way to use Myspace and Facebook the right way they could end up in a bad way with things! Some of the things you can do is not give out very personal info like phone number, address, schools, work places, or too many details about places you my be going. Also if someone gets really creepy you can just de-friend them or completely delete your account. I encourage people from 14 and up to go out and use Myspace and/or Facebook, and have fun.

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Cat. I am a kitty cat! ♫

You just sang "and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance"♫♪ Now that we have the formality of me making a random joke ...