Tuesday, October 13, 2015

la La LA Duah♪♫♪....(Warning lots of Puns at the end.)

Music, you move me with your rhythm and your rhyme; hypnotizing and piercing ever my war'ish thought struck mind. In my ear you move me, grove me, make me sway with all the notes your masters do play. I hear what I need and even if its just noise, I can see the picture of what it is my desire brings. My body is the temple and you the holiest of host. The day is taxing yet you’re relaxing. Even with all this chaos your just what I need. This is my country and I am a grungy sort of women. However, even this small speaker can make a one man band into a big band and make me feel more classic. So I rock or roll with it depending on the shoes on my feet. I might get hip hop with a beat or dub my step if i don't know alternative moves. With music the possibilities are endless. I would give you some clues on dance moves but you could get the blues. Metal is not often with pop, neither is Mentos... Fact.

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Cat. I am a kitty cat! ♫

You just sang "and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance"♫♪ Now that we have the formality of me making a random joke ...