Tuesday, May 26, 2015


It was such a curiously queer way to meet someone. Not to mention my approach at interacting was top notch Napoleon syndrome. Brought on by none other than the shear spark that was ignited by the John Paul looking lad, with the million dollar smile, who answered the door. I was I ntimidated by this timidly, tired eyed sir, that smelled of old books, sleepless sweat and whiskey. Eyes as big as the moon and soft as a summer breeze, skin like porcelain with the slightest purple hue from the blood beneath.
He smiled wide with amazing teeth and a big 'Hello'. Jenny and Jessica, the girls that led me to the man, that I had yet to known, would accompany me on an adventure that changed the very course of my existence. 
First the girls spoke with him and I did my Marty thing and took as much in as possible. Like a heroin addict getting there first fix after a year of probation, the sensory, smells, body language, house decor(or the made up drunken version of such) and even the weather. So to make sure I know exactly what  I was dealing with. It was all for not. For I had not the intellect to fathom what was forming before my very eyes. That person who had me uneasy and on guard should some day make me feel safe, and loved, and special. Like none before, this striking and perplexing being would concur daemons, monsters, and self hate all in the time of a year. 
I finally was introduced and like I always do when I am nervous, I made an honest ass of myself. First by asking for pot. "Great now he knows I am a stoner." Then by asking for an empty glass bottle and the direction of his room so I could 'treat Jessica like my slave and make her cum against her will'. "Really Marty really? Now he knows you are down to fucking chicks, hard core sex and are rude to a fault." Nah I am just kidding but seriousy if you don't have any pot I am going to bounce. Tonight is my night off and I am party Marty!" 'You are so fucking stupid. He looks like he either smelled a fart or you freak him out. . . Yeah it's you Marty. God I wish someone would fart right now so I could be redeemed.' 
Goodbyes were short and I was already atop my trusty cycle steed. The rest of the night the figure in the door keep finding his way into my thoughts. Who is he that can cause such a change in me, yet is no one to me. Yet. 
I continued to crave information about that someone who somehow baffles my brain in an instant and effects last longer than a cold. Almost better the a drug, because this pseudo drug ignites my mind instead of containing it, is harder to get my hands on, and lasts days. Every new fact was a fix and I was itching for more. Jenny finally after days filled me in on he. He was recently broken up from a serious relationship, loved sex, was superiority smart, and looking for friends. 'I can be his friend, I want to be his friend, I hope he will be my friend, friend!" Immediately after she spoke I insisted on her help me see him again. 
The next time was at Jessica and her boy-slave-friends apartment. I over did my makeup and was so busy not remembering not to stare I can't recall the game we all played but I remember what he smelled like. Like someone I wanted to smell on me. The pursuit was in full swing and I was going to be his friend!

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Cat. I am a kitty cat! ♫

You just sang "and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance"♫♪ Now that we have the formality of me making a random joke ...